Our Services

New Customer Acquisition: DJD Media will develop for you a proven new customer acquisition program ("drip marketing") that involves a steady (but not intrusive) stream of e-letter communications, webinar invitations, special "peek previews", engaging special reports and neutral research studies.

Database Build: Getting access to individual investors in an expedient and cost-effective way is the most difficult part of building a database of new prospects. Let DJD Media help you find receptive prospects, employ a successful capture process and build your own database of potential clients who are already interested in your product or service before you attempt to close.

Relationship Management: During challenging economic times, it is more important than ever to keep up cost-effective marketing efforts to acquire new customers. With the right tools in place to store data, maintain data, and analyze data, highly effective relationship management becomes possible for converting prospects to clients and for implementing effective up-sell or cross-sell opportunities. DJD Media can help you implement a proven Relationship Management system that will increase conversions while lowering costs.

Benefits to You:

• More time to spend on relationship building with highly qualified prospects and existing customers.

• Leaner marketing budgets that that perform optimal results—cutting costs does not mean sacrificing results.

• A continuing stream of new prospects that you can count on year-after-year to convert new customers and nurture future customers.

• The creation of a customized “flexible” marketing system that allows you to expand your business and fine-tune your marketing as economic and marketplace conditions change over time.

Other Services:

Creative Copy: DJD Media can provide copy writing services for company brochures, newsletters, web sites, webinars, hand-outs and other related material. 

Graphic Design Services: DJD Media can provide graphic design services for brochures, newsletters, web sites, webinars, e-mail blasts and other related material. 

Public Relations and Media Exposure: DJD Media has experience and contacts with major financial media players, regional publications, radio outlets, book publishers, and other online financial sites to provide exposure for one or more members of the financial advisory group.

Consulting: DJD Media will provide consulting services on business planning, marketing, customer outreach, and other services as requested.